Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee

20 February 2023


Report of the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development


Workforce Profile as at Quarter 2


1.   This report provides the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee (SMUC) with the workforce profile, as at quarter 2.


2.   The data provided in this report is already available throughout the Council.

3.   The workforce data provided through the performance framework, is shared with Scrutiny committees and discussed at both Corporate Management Team and Directorate Management Teams.


4.   Annex 1 gives a full overview of key performance indicators directly linked to the Council’s workforce.

5.   Comparing the Q2 position as at 2021/2022 headcount and FTE have increased slightly, but leavers have decreased.  Of the leavers, resignations remain the highest reason for leaving followed by retirement.  Resignations are in line with regional figures as numerous vacancies, new opportunities, promotions and career changes are being sought following the main pandemic period and for some staff the introduction of hybrid working has opened up opportunities further afield that were not formally considered.  This is a trend across the region and nationally.

6.   Turnover has increased but as mentioned above this reflects the current recruitment climate. 

7.   Work with York (WWY) assignments have continued to be used, these are directly associated with recruitment pressures across all directorates.  At the Q2 position, figures are lower than the same period last year.  Fast forwarding to Q3 we are seeing further reductions in agency worker placements. 

8.   There are a number of vacancies that remain unfilled and acting up arrangements are in place with existing members of staff and HR are working with relevant managers to ensure creative recruitment for hard to fill vacancies. 

9.   Sickness absence figures fell at the end of 2020/2021, they have increased back to pre-pandemic levels of 2019/20 at the end of March 2022 and we are still seeing increases.   This is a national trend and common across many of our neighbouring councils across the Yorkshire and Humber region.  It should, however, be note that each Council records absence slightly different so direct comparisons are difficult, but there is a trend of reductions in absence during 2020/2021 and increases in 2021/2022 outturns.  We continue to ensure that wellbeing support and good absence management is embedded into day-to-day management and teams looking out for each other.  We will soon be engaging with our workforce regarding their wellbeing via a survey. 

10.        During December 2022, COVID and respiratory absences were common amongst staff, as they were with the general population and these absences have impacted on our overall workforce absence levels.

11. On top of day-to-day managerial practices for sickness cases, additional work is underway to assist and remind managers of the support and services that employees can access as well as the managerial role in ensuring the wellbeing and absence management of those employees absent, or those who remain at work but showing signs of reduced resilience. Managers are being reminded of the importance of timely absence support for individuals and teams, and employees are reminded of the self care that they need to exercise to ensure that they are able to perform their roles effectively.


12.In terms of equalities profiling, the workforce gender and age distribution remain largely comparable year on year.  Similarly, the declaration of sexual orientation remains steady.  Council employees declaring a disability in 2021/22 have decreased slightly as have those staff members declaring their ethnicity from a BME Community. 

13.We have received preliminary data from the 2021 Census, and this gives the Council more up to date comparison information with our local community.  Alongside this exercise we are continuing to promote and request that employees update the sensitive information (for example disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation) status to allow us to have a closer comparison with our local community.

14. The York Profile and Ward profiles are updated quarterly, with the last update in 1st February 2023 and we’ll be using this over coming months to analyse our workforce makeup compared to the city,

a.   York Profile:

b.   Ward Profiles:


15.In practical terms we are also working to ensure that our recruitment opportunities are sent to a wide range of community groups to attract and ensure that these are promoted to as many areas as possible of our community.


16.The contents of the report and Annex have not been consulted on as the data is factual and already available through different sources.


17.   The Committee, in considering the workforce profile, may consider highlighting areas for consideration by the Customer and Corporate Scrutiny Committee.

Council Plan

18.    The content of the report and annex are not material to the Council Plan.

19.        There are no implications from the report.

Risk Management

20.           There are no identified risk risks associated with the report.  

21.        Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee is asked to:

                                i.              note the workforce profile provided.

                               ii.              consider if any area is to be referred to Customer and         Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee.

Reason:  In order to provide an overview of the workforce profile.

Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Helen Whiting,

Head of HR and OD

Ext 1622


Ian Cunningham

Head of BI

Ext 5749

Ian Floyd

Chief Operating Officer


Report Approved








Specialist Implications Officer(s):


Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all






For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers:





Annex 1 – Workforce Data 2022/2023 Quarter 2